I recently posted this: New plans for the blog

To summarize, I’ll be redesigning this blog.

In this article, I’ll list the things that I want my blog to have.

Must haves

  • User-clickable anchors for each post’s headers (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)
    • If possible, must highlight if scrolled or by clicking table of contents.
  • Dark mode
  • Table of contents for each post
    • Must be visible while scrolling. If possible, should also highlight current section.
  • /shorts/ - of course
  • Last updated information
  • Retain StaticCMS. It’s very convinient.
  • A draft indicator, Gwern-style. Since I’ll be using the blog as my personal notes website, every change I make to it WILL be pushed, even drafts.
  • Code snippets must have a built-in header for filename.
  • Static site search (like papermod)
  • Captions for each image
  • Front page content curation. Don’t just list your posts! Allow user to discover your best content (according to you or users).
  • A favicon - Nothing beats an icon for branding.


  • A way to manage and view history of updates of an article (since it’s managed in git). E.g. arrow buttons to navigate history of the article.
  • Comment section. (Discuss? Bhread?)
  • Draggable scroll bar or floating icon that will easily scrub the content (mostly for mobile but also for desktop)