

  • Building a New Social Media Platform

    Last edited: Nov 15 - Revise and add new findings

    I recently created a /shorts/ page in my blog. This page is intended for shorter content. It’s a place I can use to share memes, tips, and small stories.

    The idea came to me after realizing that almost every platform is doing short-form content: Tiktok, Youtube, IG, FB etc. Why not have it on my bl…

  • Code Snippets #1: What the heck is hardhat’s console.log?

    I was tasked to create ethereum smart contracts in my previous job.

    the library most recommended by other developers to create smart contracts was hardhat.

    to create and debug the smart contracts, I developed them using test-driven-development methods. The tests gave me a way to print out and inspect variables.

    just as I was done with the develo…

  • My first year of being a professional programmer

    I met my goal.

    I posted a blog post on August 6, 2021 stating that I want to get a job before april 2022. During that time, I was creating projects for my resume. I was reading up on what people in the industry have to say about landing a job without a degree. The most common advice is to have projects that demonstrate my skills to potential emplo…

  • I should have used the debugger

    A week ago I was implementing a dynamic logo in a website which would change if the navbar has a dark background and change back if it’s light.

    My approach was to add two <img> tags, overlapping each other and toggling the front element (greater z-index) when the conditions are right.

    Seems good right?

    Well, It worked as expected but after s…

  • Introducing Myself

    Hi. Starting today, I’ll start this blog as a personal log of everything that I want to say. I mainly plan to add my opinions on some topics that interest me (I’ll stay away from rants) and helpful things that I learn and encounter as I go.

    Since I am coming into the computer industry without formal education on the topic, this blog could also be …

  • Code Snippets #0: Deploy when port exists using recursion

    I’m starting a new category of posts called “Code Snippets” where I share code I find interesting.

    In this first installment is a simple code snippet I originally wrote in Powershell to scan a local port continuously and do something when the port is found:

    function deploy(): 
    	if ( port_exists(port) ):
  • Prevent pinky strain caused by typing all day

    Typing all day makes my pinky sore. This is how I got rid of it:

    Superuser.com: How do I hit the “Ctrl” key without straining my pinky?

    I press both ctrl keys with the edge of my palm. It’s perfect; I don’t have to stretch my pinkies, and my fingers don’t have to move away from where they’re supposed to be.

    Only downside is that this technique won…

  • Blog redesign checklist

    I recently posted this: New plans for the blog

    To summarize, I’ll be redesigning this blog.

    In this article, I’ll list the things that I want my blog to have.

    Must haves

    • User-clickable anchors for each post’s headers (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)
      • If possible, must highlight if scrolled or by clicking table of contents.
    • Dark mode
    • Table of contents fo…