

  • What is Nostr

    Nostr stands for “Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays”. It is a decentralized social network protocol that aims to create a censorship-resistant and user-empowered alternative to existing social media platforms.

    Key features of Nostr:

    • Decentralized: Nostr does not have a central server or authority. Instead, it relies on a network of rel…
  • Nintendo Switch, meet cardboard

    What a clever idea. The possibilites are endless. Well played Nintendo.

  • Explain Bitcoin like I’m 10

    How can I buy Bitcoin?
    Generate a password, and then pay someone to send bitcoins to that password.

    A password?! That's it?
    Yep, that's it.

    What do you mean with "send to a password"?
    It means those bitcoins now belong to the owner of that password.

    What if someone finds my password?
    Then he will be able to spend your bitcoins.


  • Explaining SIGHASH

    Sighash, short for Signature Hash, is a concept within the Bitcoin protocol that determines which parts of a transaction are signed. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of the Bitcoin network.

    By using different Sighash types, users have control over which parts of a transaction are mutable and which are immutable when …

  • Buy gift cards with Liquid

    Buy gift cards from The Bitcoin Company and pay with Liquid BTC:

    • Buy gift card (includes VISA)
    • Capture Lightning (LN) invoice
    • Call Boltz and make LBTC => LN swap
    • User pays LBTC with Marina wallet

    Try it yourself: Liquid TBC


    • Because I can 😉
    • To show the possibilities of integrating…
  • License to steal

    Every now and then people ask me for iOS versions of my mobile apps.

    I don't build them, due to the following text in the Apple Developer Agreement:

    11. Apple Independent Development. Nothing in this Agreement will impair Apple’s right to develop, acquire, license, market, promote or distribute products, software or technologies that perform the…
  • Where to surf today

    The problem:

    Imagine you are in Portugal, you want to go surfing, but you don't know where the best waves are.

    What do you do?

    Well, you open your surf guide, see what surf spots are near enough, search for a beachcam on that spot, and after some thorough evaluation, you finally decide where to go. Now it's time to search for the spot on G…

  • Buy men’s underwear and help an athlete

    Today I'm proud to announce http://hatitude.pt, the place where you help an athlete every time you buy men's underwear. The idea was presented to me by Hugo. I loved it, and so I decided to help him by developing the website.

    The problem

    As you might know, only a couple of sports - like football - have financial help and support. There are thousa…

  • Maximum target hash

    Do you know which Bitcoin constant is this?


    Maybe in its hexadecimal format?


    Yes, it’s the maximum target hash.

    But what thus it means, and why this “weird” value?

    Bitcoin’s protocol wants b…

  • Analysis of Bitcoin Cash double spends

    Bitcoin Cash double spends

    Double spend is when a set of coins is spent in more than one transaction. This can happen for various reasons, but one of the reasons is fraud attempts.

    Bitcoin Cash accepts 0-conf payments, which I consider insecure by default. But I would like to have some data to support this, so I went looking.

    Since …